December 4, 2020

Simpsonizings by Daniel

A very nice guy named Daniel has written in and told be about some Simpsonized drawings he's been whipping up. He really has been hard at work learning the Simpsons style and has come up with these cool drawings featuring Homer and Marge style Captain America, Iron Man, and Wonder Woman! Thanks for sharing, Daniel!



October 29, 2020

Marvel's Daredevil

 Daredevil (from Marvel Comics)

I've drawn Daredevil before for this blog, but that was a loooooong time ago, so it seemed like a good chance to take a second swing at him and try to do a better job...

August 18, 2020

June 9, 2020

Peter Parker

Peter Parker (from Marvel Comics)

April 28, 2020

Earthworm Jim!

Something a little different today, the much-beloved creation of Doug Tennapel, Earthworm Jim!

Not only a legendary video game character, not only the star of Earthworm Jim comics (being crowdfunded right now), but voiced in the cartoon by none other than Homer Simpson himself - Dan Castellaneta!

February 19, 2020

The Batman Who Laughs

The Batman Who Laughs

I don't actually know a ton about this dark universe mirror version of Batman from the current DC comics, but he has quite a villainous look to him...