May 31, 2009

LOST week; Day 7

Jack Shephard

Do you think it means anything that Jack is sort of the leader of the survivors and his last name is 'Shephard' (like shepherd)?

Anyway, I hope he can work out his issues with his apparently-dead-but-appearing-on-the-Island dad. And figure out that Kate thing one way or the other too, but hey, after this last season finale, who knows what's gonna happen?!

...and that's day 7 of Lost week. Thank you guys so much for visiting! I know there are some who want Lost week to keep going, but this blog is a side project I do for fun so if I don't take breaks from it now and then it doesn't become fun anymore. I do want to do more Lost guys (I'm a big Desmond fan... Faraday too) so you should probably expect to see some more in the future.

Thanks again, catch you later!


  1. Dean, Thanks for these. I for one will continue to check back here. Glad Jorge posted your link.

    Can't wait to see Dan and Des (and don't forget Vincent too ;)

  2. Thanks JNL, you've often been the first commenter. Vincent is a good idea :)

  3. Ahhh, JNL gets a response to his commnet and I never get one (Except for a month ago). I followed Lost week too, and now I don't wanna ride a plane anymore. I believe that you are a great artist and that this guy everyone is talking about, that Matt Gruningo (Is it that way?) is going to hire you for something. Jack Xepardo is a great addition to the Lost week, and now that Jorge Garcia, the muvee star likes this blog, why should I leave?
    Thanks for being awesome (Not as much as me),
    Homer Simpson

  4. Thank you Dean :) I'm looking forward to seeing Juliet :)

  5. I just LOVED Lost week... maybe once you finish all of the characters you want to finish (which there are sooo many I'm sure... juliette, walt, claire, aaron) you could make another wallpaper. My b/f loves the one you made of your characters so far. Keep up the great work, from your prairie neighbour in SK :)

  6. oh my god, I totally was just taking whatever you were willing to draw. I had no demands. I totally understand the side-project thing.

    But you had to mention Desmond and Faraday, two of my all time fav characters on LOST, and now I've got the anxious LOST jitters.

    I will be looking forward to your rendtions of these two. Farady's skinny tie and loose-knit shirt, as well as Desmond in I don't-know-how-many-different outfits (Bio-suit? Blue Shirt? Stadium Running Gear? Carrying Groceries with exploding milk carton? Carrying crazy photo of Penny and Him? Typing in the numbers?) Great googly-moogly, the possibilities are almost endless with Desmond.

    Anywho, rock on, Dean! These have been SO much fun!

  7. Loved all of them!
    Will be looking forward to seeing Desmond... :)

  8. Thanks bunches Dean! This is an excellent blog, always manages to brighten my day. Keep it up!

  9. I'd like to see Juliet. <3

    Thanks for this great project! ^________^

  10. I just now read this - posted a comment on Sawyer but should have here. Please, please please, you must draw a Jin & Sun together :o) Have really been enjoying your work - so much so that I've posted to my Facebook :o)

  11. I found your site through a Lost link, but I immediately went back through all your Punx. I love them, especially the comic book ones. I'm sure you're sick of variant requests, but seeing as it's Jack... there really ought to be a crying variant... please?

  12. Hey man, thank you for an incredible week's worth of work, I'll be checking here regularly to see your new stuff, keep it up :-)

  13. hey!!! your work is great!!!
    I put a link in my blog to promote it!!!


    here is the link:

    keep doing it!!!

  14. Awesome yet again Dean. I'm always impressed with your stuff. That's definitely Jack. I look forward to your next post. Any hints as to what it will be? :)

  15. Hi! Your work is soo cool. Lost is one of my favorite series and the drawings of the caracters are very good. I was wondering if I could ask you something... Can you do Hilary Duff as she looks on her music video Reach Out?? I love her and I would like to see her in a "Simpsons" stile. It's only a petition :s Thanks and you're awesome :D

  16. Dean these are great!! I hope when you do return and maybe do some more Losties that you include a Richard Alpert! :)

  17. As an obsesive Lost fan & longtime Simpsons lover, I'm loving so much your blog that I can's wait to see every Lost character here! Glad to have found this blog! Greetings from Puerto Rico! ;o)

  18. Thanks to all of you for making Lost week so big for me. Especially Jorge ;)

    And 'Homer Simpson', I won't forget about you, I mean, how could I? :)

  19. Thanks for the fantastic work you've done Dean! I envy your skills. Haha!

    I look forward to more in the future. ;)

  20. These were fantastic! Please put together a wallpaper for us!

  21. Your artwork are really great! Many congrats for you and best of luck! I love your work :-)

  22. Dude, these are frigging awesome! I would LOVE to see some of em in a real Simpson's episode! I really hope you do a few more in the next few weeks! Have a good rest, man. Catch ya on the flip side!

  23. I understand about the side project thing. I'm that way about my drawing/painting too.

    I follow your blog anyway, so I'm not going anywhere. :)

    Thanks for drawing the Lost characters you have so far. Great job on Jack. I'm not even a big Jack fan but your drawing and the variants made me smile anyway.

  24. hi! excellent work, nice characters!
    do you like Robotech? maybe you could draw Rick Hunter, Lisa Hayes, Max Sterling, Miriya?

    ...just a suggestion.

  25. Awww, but where are the Jears? Jack cries all the time. We need to see one of Jack crying.

  26. Hey Dean! We are another cartoon blog, but we haven't gotten started yet, because it's a side-project-o!
    So, I've been reading your blog since I dunno when, and I have commented under other names in really old posts (Drama music there)I am an assumed Simps-a-holic and I think Matt Groening and Al Jean should find out about you and hire you, dude!
    I hope, as Bart's BFF House-man says, that everything comes up Milhouse to ya!

    (Terminator voice) I'll comment back.

  27. buuuu! more lost week! more lost week!

  28. As Comic Book Guy would say: "Best. Blog. Ever."

    We want one or two more LOST week ! My requests are Claire ad Sayid.


  29. oh my, this is SOOO cool!!
    have a look at my modeling clay version:

  30. jack's my favorite--great job!!!

  31. I would love to see Sayid, someday, just 'cause I can't imagine him as a Simpsons' character. I mean... hmmm.. I really can't. It should be interesting.

  32. And this is my new favorite website! I Simpsonized a few of the LOST characters last summer, but only through Burger King and The Simpsons' promotional website for the Simpsons Movie where you were given templates to create your own characters. I put them up on my blog too, but yours are way better. Kudos!

  33. Dean! I just loved LOST week! I really enjoyed your orange peel version of Locke, ever since he smiled at kate with that orange peel in his mouth in the first episode, I knew there was something questionable about that guy. Keep up the amazing work! Much love from Texas

  34. the more lost the better!

  35. Excelente work!!!!!!

    Maybe you can make Smallville Cast! Tom Welling, Erica Durance, etc!!!

  36. Pleeeaaaaase make a LOST wallpaper with a cool scenario when you're done. I would be so grateful! :)

    You're doing an awesome job here. Congrats.

    PS: Don't forget Shannon, Boone and Ana Lucía... :P

  37. Absolutely fantastic!!!!

    I put some in my blog, with the link to your blog, ok.

    Congratulations, great art!

  38. You should do Biff Tannen from BTTF, buddy! I found out Tom Wilson has a blog and I sent him a comment, and I think he'll like the mention, as so fans of the movie and YOU will too. Ahh, and man, that Homer Simpson never seems to shut up (Nice guy, though, just like you)

    Everything's coming up Milhouse!

  39. Please, make Vincent!! Please!!!

    Great job!

  40. HEY THERE, FEllow cartoonist!
    Didja know you have more profile views than THE ONLY Thomas F. Wilson????????
    No way! Man, you are famous! Time to start earnin' money with your wacky fun simpsonized drawings!
    Until Matt hires you,
    Everything's Coming Up Milhouse!
    Toodle, Bud!

  41. we want more, we want more!

  42. Fantastic job all the way around! Thanks for sharing your fun visions with us!

    P.S. Got directed here via Jorge's blog.


  43. Is wants mores toos!
    Damn that slick tongue of mine!
    Anyway, lost week, go on!
    LOST W

  44. This is great! I love Jack!!! Perfect!

  45. Take all the time you need so this stays fun for you, because I LOVE your drawings of the LOST cast so far and I want MORE! Hehe!
    I look forward to seeing Desmond, Daniel Faraday, Juliet and anyone else of the cast that you are good enough to create for us!
    Thanks again, Dean!
    Edna aka.....

  46. OMG! These drawings are amazing!

    I love each character you've done so far, and I'm pretty sure I'll love the ones to come.

    Thanks for all your work! :)

  47. Pleeeeeeeeeeease!!!

    Faraday and Desmond!!!!

    I loved all them!

  48. These are awesome!

    My only request is Mr. Eko!

  49. Awesome! I love Jack so much and you did a perfect Jack à la Simpsons here! Thanks and congratulations!!!

  50. Hi Dean!
    I'm from Brazil and I found the Springfield Punx in a brazilian blog about Lost (Dude, we are lost!). Your cartoons are amazing! I'm waiting to see Des, Faraday and, if it's possible, Juliete too!

    PS 1: sorry for my bad english!
    PS 2: I have a blog where I put my cartoons too:

  51. totally awesome! love your work! ;)

  52. This guy is posting your stuff on Flickr:

  53. Hey
    I´m from Brazil, and I can say that I really loved your blog and this post!
    I love Jack...That was like a gift to me! lol

  54. Please make a wallpaper with the Lost drawings :)

  55. Hehehehehe . He is beautiful!!!

    I loved!

    Best Regards


  56. Hi there, all the LOST series are amazing, keep the good work!!!
    Regards from Brasil, Artur.

  57. Man, these ones are awesome. I'm a Spanish fan of your work, do you thinf it's possible to simpsonize the How I met Your MOther or Heroes cast?, i just can picture it and it rocks dude!! keep doin' it cool.
