Thanks go out to those who, after I added the 3rd Doctor (from Doctor Who, Jon Pertwee) to the blog, answered my call for help with reference material to draw the other "looks" for the character. Also, I figured it was time for a new Rory Williams (Pond), so here you go.
Now some reader submitted stuff! Click images to embiggen!
I wanted to share this image from John who put together all the Doctors I have drawn thus far and make a pretty snazzy image. Thanks John!

And here's more Doctor Who goodness from Cliff, who put together some cool images of Gel Guards to go along with Omega, and also did the 4th Doctor companion, Romana!

The Reptile has sent in something neat too - a cool reminder banner for the release of the Avengers movie on DVD/Blu-Ray! Click this to enlarge and check it out! Thanks Reptile!
And finally, some great images from Derian who is a fan of Smallville and did some promo type images with Smallville Punx! Cool!