September 25, 2012

A WHOsday full of more 3rd Doctor (and Rory)

The 3rd Doctor, Jon Pertwee... and a new Rory.

Thanks go out to those who, after I added the 3rd Doctor (from Doctor Who, Jon Pertwee) to the blog, answered my call for help with reference material to draw the other "looks" for the character. Also, I figured it was time for a new Rory Williams (Pond), so here you go.

Now some reader submitted stuff! Click images to embiggen!

I wanted to share this image from John who put together all the Doctors I have drawn thus far and make a pretty snazzy image. Thanks John!

And here's more Doctor Who goodness from Cliff, who put together some cool images of Gel Guards to go along with Omega, and also did the 4th Doctor companion, Romana!


The Reptile has sent in something neat too - a cool reminder banner for the release of the Avengers movie on DVD/Blu-Ray! Click this to enlarge and check it out! Thanks Reptile!

And finally, some great images from Derian who is a fan of Smallville and did some promo type images with Smallville Punx! Cool!

September 18, 2012

A Garbage Pail Kid!

Adam Bomb (from Garbage Pail Kids)

If you weren't around for the 80's, right now you might be saying, "What the..?!" Well back then, there was a hilarious card series parodying the Cabbage Patch Kids (Which you probably have heard of) and it was called The Garbage Pail Kids. The kids on each card were bizarre, twisted, and gross counterparts to the Cabbage Patch ones - but were still kinda cute. Check em' out sometime if you can.

Also today, a couple of really nice works sent into me that I wanted to share;

First is a funny Star Trek/Big Bang image from John:

 And here's a really nice piece by André featuring his Simpsonified versions of Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, and Dr. Connors from The Amazing Spider-man Movie! Awesome!

September 11, 2012

Marvel's Bullseye

Bullseye (Marvel)

Here's one of Marvel's more ruthless villains, a character that a some people have requested for some time now - Bullseye!

September 4, 2012

It's a WHOsday! - The Third Doctor

Doctor Who's third Doctor (Jon Pertwee)

Well, after a good long wait, a new series (or "season" for us North Americans) of Doctor Who started this last Saturday, and it turns out that I missed the show quite a bit.

It seems like a good time to put another Doctor Who image out there - so today it's the third Doctor, played by Jon Pertwee.

Now I know he had a bunch of different looks in the role, but I'm having a little trouble finding reference pictures that give me a clear look at some of his other outfits. If you can help with that, feel free to email me and I can give his other outfits a try as well.

Thanks go out to Ray for helping me to get going on this one!