January 29, 2009

"Saved by kitty litter"

Batman Returns Batman, Catwoman, Penguin

Batman Returns is a strange animal.

I think a lot of people were surprised by the tone of the movie after having seen the first Batman in 89. It seemed to have even more of that now trademark Burton influence to it.

Anyway I'm not sure how I feel about it. I thought the way they did Penguin character was an interesting concept, but came off as far too crass. Catwoman was downright nuts, but in a likable way. Bruce Wayne had an odd quirkiness that let Keaton's personality shine through in a way it never could in the first film.

The whole movie is rather fantastical and has a tone not typical of a superhero film, that's for sure.

My favorite line in the movie is from Bruce Wayne - "You know what, I mistook me for somebody else."


  1. The second Batman movie was good. It was also the film that made me realize that (and not knocking him by any means) I could recognize a Burton film without knowing it was his. There's just a feel...

    Catwoman seemed to be a study in juxtaposition too. She kicks ass with her whip, snatches the heads off the mannequins and then jumpropes with her whip whimsically off stage.

  2. True, PC. I seem to recall that Pfeiffer did that all perfectly in the first take too.

  3. Great stuff on your blog.

  4. Keep up the good work, man. Still waiting for that Zatanna :)

  5. Batman Returns was and still is one of my faves too. I liked how Tim Burton got creative with the origin stories of Catwoman and Peguin (although sometimes that can backfire.).

    My favorite lines are the ones about the mistletoe and I love how they get flipped around later in the movie. That just really tickled me.

  6. Would you be able to do a Heroes version of these characters? Im not sure if you watch the show.

  7. TimEy, click on "TV" under labels, I did Hiro and Ando.

  8. hmm how about this one Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns Batman Robin and the Mutant and maybe the older Bruce Wayne with mustache? Or Batman Beyond

  9. Hi Dean, I sent you an inquiry via email but never heard back so I don't know if you received it.

    It was an Obama-related if that helps. Could you please let me know if you got it? If not, I can resend.

  10. Your work is amazing. Would be good to see Two Face of The Dark Knight.

  11. Hey Machete, I'm not sure that I did get that. Feel free to email again, I'll keep my eye out for it.

  12. I had gotten used to checking this everyday. What happened!?!

  13. Excellent Batman Returns suit, man! Could you design the Batman Forever first suit, with the nipples and everything. Haha!

  14. Any chance of seeing the Star Trek 2009 characters here as well? That would be amazing!

    Great work on these guys.
