March 29, 2012

Star Wars - Luke Skywalker!

 Luke Skywalker

Well, here's my version of a Simpson-styled Luke Skywalker.

While collecting reference material for these Luke Skywalkers, I did notice a couple of things;

1. Yikers, Luke wears A LOT of different outfits throughout that original trilogy. Lots of choices for future drawings I guess.

2. The costume designers on Star Wars did a great job! With rare exception, the characters in these movies don't look dated at all. It would have been easy to make 'em look all 70's and everything, but instead they really have a timeless quality to their looks.

On a different but important note guys, I just wanted to take a few moments to mention some new friends to myself and to the blog, their names are Russ and Rob. Rob is having a pretty rough time with illness right now and I'm sure they'd appreciate your thoughts and prayers. You can visit their site and see some of Rob's great artwork and discover some books that Russ has written. Visit to check it out, thanks!

March 22, 2012

Avengers vs X-Men; Spider-Woman vs Beast

Spider-Woman, Beast

So there's this "Avengers Vs X-Men" thing going on right now in Marvel Comics, and I knew it was a good time to get to some oft-requested, fun-to-draw characters I hadn't done yet - A gal with a great costume, Spider-Woman, and the furry blue X-man (who looks really cool when he wears his glasses) named Beast.

Some more great fan submitted, Punx inspired stuff today as well - Glenn is back with his drawing of "Person of Interest" character Carter:

And some great drawings, including a "Desmanhattan" sent in by Ximo. Check it out!

March 15, 2012

Sinestro Corps - Harley Quinn?!

This one today is thanks to Jonathan who wrote in and suggested that it would be fun to see DC's Harley Quinn if she were recruited by Sinestro to join the Sinestro Corps as a Yellow Lantern. Thanks for the idea, Jonathan!

On another note, Cliff has reworked some Punx and created his rendition of the classic 4th Doctor companion Leela. Check it out...

Patrick has also sent in his newest drawing - Tom Jones!


And this one is a treat for me, as I'm a fan of this show... Glenn has shared his "Person of Interest" drawing! Awesome!

March 9, 2012

Doctor Who - The Second Doctor!

Patrick Troughton as the 2nd Doctor


Well here's another one of the Doctors (and his flute...correction, it's a recorder!) from Doctor Who - the second iteration, played Patrick Troughton. His is a Doctor that many hold dear today, and Matt Smith (the current Doctor) has even cited Troughton as his favorite Doctor, so there you go!

And now for some art from friends of SP! Check out this cool art by Patrick! He has done his version of the first Doctor, and he has even turned yours truly into a Futurama style head-in-a-jar!

Noel from It's A Dawg's Life wanted to share his take on the Scooby Doo gang. Nice!

March 3, 2012

Scooby Dooby Doo!

Scooby Doo and Shaggy

Well, I decided to post something different for this one. For as long as I've been on earth, Scooby Doo has always been around. Other cartoons usually came first in my book, but I've known people who just can't get enough Scooby Doo. He's had a ton of different iterations of his cartoon, and a bunch of full length movies too - "Scooby Doo Meets Batman" stands out in my memory as especially neat.

Scooby just doesn't go away. What is it about Scooby Doo and his friends that they have such staying power?