July 12, 2012

I'm Gotham's Reckoning..

Bane (Tom Hardy - The Dark Knight Rises)

Well, we're now in the home stretch for the arrival of The Dark Knight Rises in theaters. If you've followed this blog for long, you know how big of a Batman fan I am.

It's bittersweet that an epic new Batman movie is nearly here, but it's also the end of Christopher Nolan's trilogy, the end of his take on this universe (that I've really really appreciated). Who knows what direction Warner Brothers will take Batman in next?

Anyway, I had a great time doing this Bane, I hope you enjoy it too!

Oh, and stay safe down there at Comic-Con, folks!


  1. I hope for the next set of movies, they decide to take Batman in a more comic-booky direction. The real world Nolan trilogy is amazing, but I dont want to see every movie be like that. And not camp, either, but really dive into the comic book realm like Grant Morrison or Scotty Snyder.

    1. I would agree, why try to emulate what Nolan has done so well? A more "comic book-y" tale in the mode of "Night of Owls" could be amazing!

    2. With Paul Dini crafting two of the best Batman games ever, I'd like DC/Warner's to let him take a crack at a Batman movie in the same vein as the Arkham games. Not a translation of Arkham Asylum/City to screen, but a similar take would be interesting. Very much a more comic book-y take, but also devoid of camp.

  2. This is awesome, Dean! I have been waiting to see some Dark Knight Rises Punx, maybe next a Selina? Or a whole series? That would be great. I think an adaption of The Court Of Owls would be fantastic! Or even better, get Scott Snyder to write the next Bat-film.

  3. absolutely fantastic. It would be great if you could do the Lizard from the amazing spiderman and catwoman.

    1. Totally agree. The Lizard from Amazing Spider Man and Selina are needed here. XD And Gwen Stacy too.

  4. Well perhaps, but he and his minions would have to let you get near him first

  5. hi dean i am a big fan of your stuff could you make harry potter
