December 29, 2011

The Avengers Movie - Captain America

Captain America (Avengers Movie Version)

Well, fortunately for me, there are plenty of early photos out there of Captain America's new look for the upcoming Avengers movie.

My initial reaction is that I prefer the original Captain America movie costume to this new one. I like the grittier, rougher, workman-like look of that suit as opposed to the tighter, somewhat over-produced Hollywood-esque costume we look to be getting for the Avengers film. Of course however, I'm willing to wait and see this one on screen in context before I make a firm judgement.

Here's hoping it's a good flick!


  1. Now it's time for the...AVENGERS WALLPAPER!

  2. I love it!. Please make the new superman's suit from the Snyder movie!

  3. Perhaps you could do an Avengers Hawkeye too!

  4. Brilliant work, Dean. I was waiting for the new Avengers material. Greetings (:

  5. WOW! This pic is amazeing!! can u make Hawkeye from the new avengers movie??????????????????? The actor is Jeremy Renner... THANx

  6. captain america with a face like this, certainly the view will laugh as funny
