Hope you guys are doing well and that things will be great for you in the new year! I wanted to get another post out there with some art from the talented readers of the blog - all Doctor Who related.
First up, Paul sent in his "D'oh-I-wish-I-had-thought-of-it" poster featuring SP's Captain Jacks. You can see more of Paul's work here.
And here's some 4th Doctor goodness from Cliff! From left to right : Romana 1, Romana 2, 4th Doctor, K9 and Leela.
Click to enlarge!
And to top it off, Wes from the Omega Podcast has put together a DW-packed wallpaper to ring in the WHO-Year! Click to enlarge!
December 28, 2012
December 17, 2012
December 11, 2012
Captain Jack Sparrow
Pirates of the Caribbean's Captain Jack Sparrow.

And from SP readers today is Cliff with more Doctor Who stuff in the form of the Punx 2nd Doctor with a couple of Yeti from the the abominable snowmen episode.
Also is Huntress from TV's Arrow, sent in by Glenn!

And from SP readers today is Cliff with more Doctor Who stuff in the form of the Punx 2nd Doctor with a couple of Yeti from the the abominable snowmen episode.
Also is Huntress from TV's Arrow, sent in by Glenn!

December 4, 2012
The Shredder V2.0
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' "The Shredder"
In light of the new TMNT cartoon on Nickelodeon right now (which is very cool by the way), I thought it would be fun to go back and re-draw a character that I did for the blog a looong time ago - The Shredder! This is him in his original look from the beloved 80's Ninja Turtles cartoon of my youth.
To this day, I still can't get over the fact that the Fresh Prince's Uncle Phil was the voice of Shredder. I mean, how cool is that!
Now, if you're a fan of Doctor Who and of neat original art, might I suggest you check out the site belonging to a friend of the blog - his name is Sam and you can check out his work here - http://wibblywobblytimeywimeyartstuff.weebly.com/
In light of the new TMNT cartoon on Nickelodeon right now (which is very cool by the way), I thought it would be fun to go back and re-draw a character that I did for the blog a looong time ago - The Shredder! This is him in his original look from the beloved 80's Ninja Turtles cartoon of my youth.
To this day, I still can't get over the fact that the Fresh Prince's Uncle Phil was the voice of Shredder. I mean, how cool is that!
Now, if you're a fan of Doctor Who and of neat original art, might I suggest you check out the site belonging to a friend of the blog - his name is Sam and you can check out his work here - http://wibblywobblytimeywimeyartstuff.weebly.com/
November 27, 2012
DC's Supergirl
Supergirl (DC Comics)
Something DC Comics based today - Supergirl! And oh yeah, if you were thinking of going back and watching that Supergirl movie they made back in the day - well, don't say I didn't warn you :)
Something DC Comics based today - Supergirl! And oh yeah, if you were thinking of going back and watching that Supergirl movie they made back in the day - well, don't say I didn't warn you :)
November 20, 2012
Seven of Nine
Star Trek Voyager's "Seven of Nine"
I decided that for today that I would post something a little different. It's probably the most interesting thing to come out of the Star Trek: Voyager show - The former (reformed?) member of the Borg named Seven of Nine (or "7 of 9"). Cool concept, although I can't say I watched it enough to know where her story ended up...
Cliff has also send in another great piece of Doctor Who Punx art, it's Dalek Sec and the Pig Slaves to go along with my Dalek. Cool!
I decided that for today that I would post something a little different. It's probably the most interesting thing to come out of the Star Trek: Voyager show - The former (reformed?) member of the Borg named Seven of Nine (or "7 of 9"). Cool concept, although I can't say I watched it enough to know where her story ended up...
Cliff has also send in another great piece of Doctor Who Punx art, it's Dalek Sec and the Pig Slaves to go along with my Dalek. Cool!
November 13, 2012
"You Should Use Your Full Name..."
John Blake (Joseph Gordon-Levitt in The Dark Knight Rises)

I was a big fan of the John Blake character in The Dark Knight Rises, I thought he added a cool dynamic (pardon the expression) to the Batman story, and I really appreciated the "wink and a nod" they gave the audience at the end.
Also today, Cliff has sent in yet another impressive addition to his Doctor Who images, it's the Autons!
November 6, 2012
A WHOsday; The 8th Doctor
Doctor Who's the 8th Doctor (Paul McGann)

Obama or Romney? Who cares - it's a WHOsday! Time for another one of the Doctors, and this time I've gone with Paul McGann as the 8th Doctor.
I have a confession to make though - I've never seen the Doctor Who film in which the 8th makes his appearance. I've heard mixed things about it, is it something worth seeing?

Obama or Romney? Who cares - it's a WHOsday! Time for another one of the Doctors, and this time I've gone with Paul McGann as the 8th Doctor.
I have a confession to make though - I've never seen the Doctor Who film in which the 8th makes his appearance. I've heard mixed things about it, is it something worth seeing?
Doctor Who,
October 30, 2012

Getting to a requested character - Rambo.
And Ximo is back with what he describes as "Stark from Winterfell with a Stark Industries armor"

Getting to a requested character - Rambo.
Also more great Doctor Who-ness from Cliff, this time the Doctor with Ice Warriors and Commander Azaxyr. Cool :) Click image to enlarge
And Ximo is back with what he describes as "Stark from Winterfell with a Stark Industries armor"

October 23, 2012
Top Gear's "The Stig"
The Stig

The great thing about Top Gear is that for a show about cars, you don't have to be into cars to enjoy it, y'know?
Anyway, also today - I was sent another one of those awesome little metal pathtags, this one featuring my Tom Baker Doctor and K-9. Awesome! I can't figure out exactly who the sender is though, if it's you, let me know so I can thank you!

If you've seen the show Top Gear, you know who the Stig is. Well, not exactly who he is, but you know what he does. He's one of many cool things about that show.
The great thing about Top Gear is that for a show about cars, you don't have to be into cars to enjoy it, y'know?
Anyway, also today - I was sent another one of those awesome little metal pathtags, this one featuring my Tom Baker Doctor and K-9. Awesome! I can't figure out exactly who the sender is though, if it's you, let me know so I can thank you!

October 16, 2012
Taxi Driver
Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver
Well, I've never seen the movie, but to fulfill a request that sounded like an interesting challenge, here is Travis Bickle (played by Robert De Niro) from the movie Taxi Driver.
More great reader-submitted stuff today as well, including the 3rd Doctor with his Bessie and 10th Doctor in "Voyage of the Damned", sent in by Cliff (click images to see bigger)
Also, an awesome Spartacus (Andy Whitfield) from Ximo! Nice work!

Well, I've never seen the movie, but to fulfill a request that sounded like an interesting challenge, here is Travis Bickle (played by Robert De Niro) from the movie Taxi Driver.
More great reader-submitted stuff today as well, including the 3rd Doctor with his Bessie and 10th Doctor in "Voyage of the Damned", sent in by Cliff (click images to see bigger)
Also, an awesome Spartacus (Andy Whitfield) from Ximo! Nice work!

October 9, 2012
DC Comics' Blue Beetle
Blue Beetle
A fan favorite to many, this is the classic DC Comics hero, Blue Beetle!
Some great stuff from readers today as well, check out these spooky Ghostbusters Punx decorations that Mike created for his garage! Click image to enlarge

More Doctor Who goodness from Cliff as well, it's the Doctor with the Zygons!

A fan favorite to many, this is the classic DC Comics hero, Blue Beetle!
Some great stuff from readers today as well, check out these spooky Ghostbusters Punx decorations that Mike created for his garage! Click image to enlarge
Ximo is back with these awesome drawings, the "Air Bender" and JD from Scrubs!

More Doctor Who goodness from Cliff as well, it's the Doctor with the Zygons!

October 2, 2012
Evening, Commissioner...
Commissioner Gordon (as seen in Nolan Batman trilogy)
Thanks go out to John on this one, for writing in and motivating me to draw this character that I've intended to draw for a long time - Commissioner Gordon, from Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy. (I've also included a Bat-signal-bashing-axe-version for good measure) I must say, that was a fantastic portrayal, Mr. Oldman!
So... to share with you also today, the aforementioned John is a youth pastor who has creatively used Punx drawings for his youth ministry - check out this Student-Led Youth Ministry promo he put together! Cool! :)
One other thing today; I received these fantastic 5th Doctor Punx Pathtags in the mail! They're used in geocaching and they're like really cool little metal medallions. Unfortunately, I've lost the email address of the person who sent them, so if it's you - drop me a line so I can thank you!
Thanks go out to John on this one, for writing in and motivating me to draw this character that I've intended to draw for a long time - Commissioner Gordon, from Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy. (I've also included a Bat-signal-bashing-axe-version for good measure) I must say, that was a fantastic portrayal, Mr. Oldman!
So... to share with you also today, the aforementioned John is a youth pastor who has creatively used Punx drawings for his youth ministry - check out this Student-Led Youth Ministry promo he put together! Cool! :)
One other thing today; I received these fantastic 5th Doctor Punx Pathtags in the mail! They're used in geocaching and they're like really cool little metal medallions. Unfortunately, I've lost the email address of the person who sent them, so if it's you - drop me a line so I can thank you!
September 25, 2012
A WHOsday full of more 3rd Doctor (and Rory)
The 3rd Doctor, Jon Pertwee... and a new Rory.

Thanks go out to those who, after I added the 3rd Doctor (from Doctor Who, Jon Pertwee) to the blog, answered my call for help with reference material to draw the other "looks" for the character. Also, I figured it was time for a new Rory Williams (Pond), so here you go.
Now some reader submitted stuff! Click images to embiggen!
I wanted to share this image from John who put together all the Doctors I have drawn thus far and make a pretty snazzy image. Thanks John!

And here's more Doctor Who goodness from Cliff, who put together some cool images of Gel Guards to go along with Omega, and also did the 4th Doctor companion, Romana!

The Reptile has sent in something neat too - a cool reminder banner for the release of the Avengers movie on DVD/Blu-Ray! Click this to enlarge and check it out! Thanks Reptile!
And finally, some great images from Derian who is a fan of Smallville and did some promo type images with Smallville Punx! Cool!

Thanks go out to those who, after I added the 3rd Doctor (from Doctor Who, Jon Pertwee) to the blog, answered my call for help with reference material to draw the other "looks" for the character. Also, I figured it was time for a new Rory Williams (Pond), so here you go.
Now some reader submitted stuff! Click images to embiggen!
I wanted to share this image from John who put together all the Doctors I have drawn thus far and make a pretty snazzy image. Thanks John!

And here's more Doctor Who goodness from Cliff, who put together some cool images of Gel Guards to go along with Omega, and also did the 4th Doctor companion, Romana!

The Reptile has sent in something neat too - a cool reminder banner for the release of the Avengers movie on DVD/Blu-Ray! Click this to enlarge and check it out! Thanks Reptile!
And finally, some great images from Derian who is a fan of Smallville and did some promo type images with Smallville Punx! Cool!
Doctor Who,
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