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It's a Whosday!
When Doctor Who first came back (referred to as "Nu Who") with Christopher Eccleston, I caught the "Aliens of London" episode... While the "false-flag alien crash in London designed to spread fear and consolidate power for the government-disguised Slitheen usurpers" storyline was really interesting, the execution was rather goofy. So much so that it kinda turned me off of Doctor Who until a friend got me to try out the newer Matt Smith Doctor, and I was hooked from then on. I'm able now to go back and appreciate the Eccleston stuff in context, even the Slitheen episodes. At any rate, after a long wait, here they are.
A couple of pieces from some great contributors as well today, Daniel has done a great job on "Bucky Barnes" from the Captain America movie;
Ximo also has done something to cool share today, it's Hulk-Thing!