Juliet Burke
Hey all, Springfield Punx is back with Lost Week 2!
First up is Dr. Juliet Burke. I guess her status on the show is as 'up in the air' as everything else considering that last season finale. There's also the fact that the actress Elizabeth Mitchell looks to be starring in ABC's "V" as well, so I'm not sure how much more we'll see of her.
At any rate, Juliet really seems to have brought out the 'softer' side of Sawyer, quite the feat if you ask me. Elizabeth Mitchell did a great job injecting (doctor pun) life and intelligence into Juliet, and there's still more about her past and connections to Ben Linus that I'd like to know.
And as a bonus, I gave in and threw together the requested 'shirtless' Sawyer in all his yellow glory, to go with Juliet. And before anyone starts - No, don't bother asking for shirtless versions of the ladies, this ain't that kind of party :)
Stay tuned for Day 2 tomorrow!