Altair (from Assassin's Creed)
UPDATE 2 - I've added a scar version for those that asked about it...
UPDATE! I've heard you loud and clear about the finger and changed it to what I gather is the (hopefully?) correct way. It's a bit confusing to try and figure out the ramifications of a character who has their ring finger chopped off, but is drawn in the "3-fingers-and-a-thumb" Simpsons style :)
I left a version of the original in case that's anyone's preference.
I actually don't play video games much, so I probably don't do enough video game characters for this blog, but I'm finally getting to an often requested character today - Altair. Hope you like!
For some cool reader-submitted stuff today; (click images to enlarge)From Benjamin - "the first is the new version of the batman team who contains the recent suit of Nightwing, and a version of damian wayne more aged. The second is just the version of iron spidey and spidey symbiote of Marc Webb version."
A well done Simon Baker as Patrick Jane from the Mentalist by Michael! Many more Mentalist Punx by Michael can be
found here
And Cliff sends along more cool Doctor Who images - "I have had another dabble and this time done a few characters from a double episode entitled ‘Silence in the Library’ and ‘ Forest of the Dead’ featuring the 10th Doctor, River Song, Donna and the Vashta Nerada."