March 23, 2011

You've always got a friend wearing big red shoes...

 Ronald McDonald

In many ways, Ronald's is a face I've grown up with. I saw him every Saturday morning, he was on my Happy Meal box, I would eat his head from a McDonaldLand cookie package, and he's on those plastic bibs that teenagers still like to goof around with.

Yeah, I get mixed feelings about the whole thing. I know he's a mascot for a huge fast food corporation, but he's also a permanent part of my childhood. What can you say?

You'd have to think; If McDonald's had first opened today, there probably never be a Ronald McDonald, what with the 'socially-conscious', do-gooder, "Oh, think of the CHILDREN!" generation we live in.


  1. So AWESOME! Nice job Dean.

  2. Cool, And lets admited people we all grow up with that clown haha
    PD: please Dean do dr. Strange !!

  3. We had the uk's 2nd Mac D's open in my home town in the 1970's. I can remember my father driving 5 miles to get take away on a friday night as a treat. Its funny how other US Burger Joints never made it big in the UK. But Ronald and his crew have lasted well. Shame that the Thick Thick Shakes are NOT as thick as in the OLD DAYS, and the Plastic straws do not compaire to the original "thick card board paper" ones.... I was a bit too old to wear one, but I do remember seeing all the Kids wearing the Paper Happy Meal Hats in the early days. HAPPY memories of when fast food was good... before we all found out HOW bad it was for you.

  4. Wow. A departure from the norm, but a quintessential addition to your collection. Nice one.

  5. Awesome Ronald...

    Of course, the real interesting character is Grimace. How many people know what he is?

    I mean, Ronald is a clown, the fry guys are obviously french fries but WHAT is Grimace. My friend asked the McDonalds staff and they had to go back to corporate to find out.

    Wanna know?

    So as not to spoil, It's in code below ie: b=a u=t etc...

    b ubtuf cve

  6. Thanks Dean I'll send you my therapy bills in the mail. Those are good but they are CREEPY!

  7. I can see TIM CURRY in the Face of Ronald. WELL the sweet transvestite was the Killer clown in IT after all

  8. Actually, Grimace was originally a multi-armed monster that craved milk shakes.

  9. I agree man, nobody really does mascots anymore. It's a shame; I think in our struggle to try to be more "PC" or "health conscious" or what have you, our media world has a lot less heart in it than it used to.

  10. Hello again! I love your mcdonalds works! You might remember a while back, i had requested Inspector Gadget, which looked absolutely amazing! Something else you might enjoy was the limited animated videos they released! I really, loved them when i was little, and the animation and voice work was just great!
    I liked the designs for Hamburgler and Birdie alot. :)

  11. please do the fry guys!!!!!

  12. Creepier than ever. It's perfect.

  13. hello, can you tell me how to make these great pictures? because I really would love to turn any photo simpson style.

    thanks in advance

  14. hello, can you tell me how to make these great pictures? because I really would love to turn any photo simpson style.

    thanks in advance
