September 4, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy; Star-Lord

Star-Lord aka Peter Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy)
No, I haven't seen the movie yet, so no spoilers! Still, everything I have heard about it sounds great, and I'm quite curious to see Chris Pratt (pardon the pun) star in this. Anyway, I hope I'll see it soon!

UPDATE! Some great new Doctor Who "The Long Game" & "the Happiness Patrol" wallpaper images from Cliff! Thanks, Cliff!


  1. I love this movie and you will love it too. I was going to tell on who was in the post-credit scene but after reading about you not seeing yet. I'll let you see it for yourself

  2. ah finaly !! My favourite recent marvel hero. Well done dean like always

  3. Oh dear Dean - I think you have finally created a Punx I possibly love more than the Seventh Doctor Punx. This is glorious! Star-Lord, after watching Guardians, is officially my new favourite Marvel character and superhero - Hulk has been replaced. Fantastic!

  4. Awseome Dean are you gonna do the other Guardians.

  5. This is one you should definitely see in the theater, preferably IMAX, if not IMAX 3D.
    Great job!

  6. Awesome job as per usual!!! The only question is: When are you going to do the rest of the team!?! ("I am Groot!!!")
